INTRODUCTION :- There are many teachers in our school. I respect every teacher. But each student like The P.K. PANDEY SIR. he teaches in English and Hindi language. he is the class teacher of Intermediate class. HIS DRESS AND APPEARANCE :- He wears simple and clean dress.In summer season,he made to clean and clear his hair from head.In winter,he wears a heavy Jacket,Gloves,muffler and shoes.In rainy season,he wears a rainy coat. he uses always the helmet of his bike during the driving. his hight is medium.he is about thirty years old. his health is normal. he is always smiling. HIS BEHAVIOUR :-his behaviour is not harsh. his speaking dialogues which are very impressing upon us.he treats with students like as father and son. he is not used any wrong words for students.his mind temperature is medium. his manner is too charming to bear any girl. HIS ME
very nice sunil ji. I AM VERY GLAD.